
This is piece of writing is generally catered to seniors in college, but, I think it could speak to anyone really. Anyone that has ever been at a crossroads in their life. Anyone that has ever questioned their direction. Anyone that has ever had to make a large decision. Anyone that has ever been unsure of their future and what was going to happen next.

Anyone, really.

Throughout this school year and the one prior, I have been trying to plan. I have been trying to schedule. I have been trying to set myself up for exactly what I wanted as I stepped off the stage on my graduation day.

The problem that I have faced, however, is that I don't really know exactly what I want.

And I don't think anyone really does.

We all have dreams, we all have goals. We all have aspirations and ideas of what we would like for ourselves. But sometimes life gets in the way, and those things change.

And that's okay.

My goals have changed. My dreams have changed. My desires upon graduation have changed. But through all of the changes, I have never once stopped putting my best self into every single obligation set forth.

I guess what I'm trying to articulate here, is that, though your plans may change, though something might not work out exactly as you had planned— you need to keep the faith that it will all be okay.

That it will be alright. That no matter what, hard work, an authentic sense of self, and remaining ruthlessly optimistic will get you there.

Get you somewhere you might not even know is there. Somewhere that is better than anything you had imagined, because, regardless of what it is, it's there, and you made it happen.

You need to have faith that by taking each day for what it is, one day at a time, you are on your way.

On your way to success.

Success isn't always the daydream you had. Sometimes, success is just breathing in, breathing out, and realizing just how lucky you are.

And sometimes, you need to step away from your plan to take a leap of faith, regardless of how hard the landing could be.
