Your Talent

There are so many things going on in the world. Problems that need solutions, questions that need answers, equations that need solving, people that need help. There are so many important issues, growing more and more apparent today.

Often, it feels overwhelming.

Often, we feel helpless.

That's normal.

How can we help? How can we change the world?

We get bogged down by the every day, unable to see why what we're doing matters at all.

We might not have the means to get on a plane and physically help. We might not have the time in between paying the bills to do what we feel is our part to help.

We might not know what to do.

While I fully support and advocate getting involved in different issues and helping wherever possible, while I greatly admire those that dedicate so much of their life and time to helping others on a global scale, I am here to propose something else..

Something, maybe, for you.

We all have talents. We all have something to bring to the world. Whether it's a beautiful voice, an ability to put pen to paper to inform, a loving smile, an ability to lift up others, or an ability to understand and practice medicine — we all have things that matter.

Never forget that.

It matters. You matter.

No, my blog doesn't directly help people less fortunate than I. No, dancing doesn't directly end world hunger. No, the fact that I said hello and smiled at the barista this morning didn't signify the beginning of world peace.

But my writing reaches some people. My dancing touches some people. My kindness helps some people.

And that matters.

Your talents matter.

So use them. Show them. Don't worry about what other people think of them.

The world deserves to see your talent. The world needs more raw talent. The world needs more people practicing their passions, following their dreams, and exuding a happy life.

The world needs more contagious happiness. The world needs the positive to combat the negative.

The world deserves to see what you can do. You deserve to see what you can do. Don't rob yourself of that. Don't rob yourself of your potential. Fill your potential, live up to your potential, push past your potential.

Don't rob the world of your talent, because right now, the world might need it even more than you do.

