The higher standard

As we grow older, as we associate ourselves with different organizations, values, and companies - we are forced to take a look at ourselves. 

We are forced to hold ourselves to a higher standard. 

And that's a good thing. 

Depending on your situation, this could mean a variety of things. 

It could mean refraining from gossip, it could mean opting out of certain activities, it could mean staying that extra half hour, it could mean being accessible most of the time (please, allow yourself to disconnect). 

Whatever it means for you, it happens. 

Whether you're a parent, own a dog, decide to invest in a car, work in an upper-level position - we all have to hold ourselves to a higher standard.

Because with these titles, these privileges, these joys - comes responsibility. 

With progress, comes sacrifice. With accomplishment, comes a level of "adulting."

And so, before you embark on a new venture - remind yourself that you are taking that step, and that you need to hold yourself accountable for whatever that means. 

I personally am in a management position at a young age. What does this mean? 

This means learning that there is a time and place for certain things, that I must put others before myself, that at the end of the day, I have freedom, yes, and I have a lot of responsibility, too. 

It means holding myself to a higher standard. It means waking up early, responding to questions, and going to bed early. 

It means taking care of myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, so that I can perform to the best of my ability each day. 

It means holding myself to a higher standard, and I am okay with that. 

Learn to love the responsibility. Learn to love the progress. 

Learn to love the journey (and don't forget to act like a kid sometimes, keep on laughing, and brush it off whenever possible - if the building isn't burning, it will probably be alright). 


Anastasia Warren